I can link remote images now?! That makes things easier! Time for some more random observations.
I like the glowing balls on the world map. Maybe you should use the same system in dungeons as well? However, they don't seem to disappear after a fight - recommend either having them go away until you leave the map, or at least only respawn after a few moments. Presently, it seems easy to just bump into them again (though I managed not to, so maybe it's not that bad...).
Combat takes too long. A group of three Crawlers takes half the evening to kill when they start showing up, and once they begin to spam Weaken, you're just sitting there getting bored. Getting rid of the start-up casting animation for skills like that would help. Giving them less HP so they die faster would also help, as would making them slower so I don't have to watch that before I can kill them. <_<
Hahn used to learn Wat at lv3 and should still do so. He
needs something that can actually do damage before long, as a single knife is pretty worthless for attack, even after buying the upgrade in Mile.
Speaking of Hahn, his sideways walk is kind of jerky compared to the others. One frame seems to be a pixel or two ahead of the others.
Running seems flaky. PSIV made it easy to escape from random enemies if you couldn't be bothered - here, it seems the chance is much lower. Perhaps this is because enemies are faster compared to the party - I notice them going first a pretty good chunk of the time.
In Krup, there is an annoying squeak noise whenever I enter the town map. (???)
This only shows up in the middle of the shelf, not at the sides. It's not the only place I found this, but I didn't screencap the others.
This tile is impassable.
And here's another one.
This barrel, on the other hand...
O RLY? Looks pretty full to me...
It actually closes when examined, then opens again.
This system is... kind of annoying. I'm not fond of these even in console games, but they're
really not suited to a game you play with a keyboard, IMO. (Vortex is suitably impressive, though. Ouch!)
I find this exchange kind of odd. Not only did you cut a classic line, but it changes the entire relationship between the two. ???
The narration also feels odd. The game uses close-ups to display these things; if you're changing things already, why not add a new image that shows him looking bothered?
@ sole survivor Hahn - that's what happens when I fail to run from the same group of enemies ten times in a row and can't be bothered to heal between attempts.)
...okay, this could pose a problem. (Before you say anything, I have all the fonts installed.)Apart from that, note the wonky space under the meseta display.
These guys seem to be floating. Move them down below the darker sand.
(Also, while we're on the subject of combat: the transparent window? It looks rather weird to not see the characters behind it. You could just extend the opaque bit all the way up - then you could move the background up as well, which might allow for a bit of extra space for the enemies.)
This odd line shows up over enemies when they take damage. I'm unfamiliar with XP's method of storing sprites, so I have no idea what could be causing it.
It bugs me that only one tile will actually let me enter town. Recommend letting the entire thing take the player inside, as per the original.
I can't step over that tiny stone...
...but the stump does not pose a problem at all.
Two things here. First: as I recall, the "light" is not something generally known by the people of Algo (though the Espers may know). It feels strange to have people swearing by it. Second, Alys may occasionally threaten people with physical violence, but the worst language you ever get out of her is "old fart". That kind of language over something so minor seems quite OOC to me.
Where's the sweeper guy? I miss him.
I have no idea what I'm standing on, but it's pretty impressive nonetheless.
That's a tiny bridge. It's going to look funny crossing that later...
I have no idea what this thing is, but I can't walk on top of it.
I can't walk on top of this, either. I don't remember anything like this outside the very specific spots of quicksand, and it's mostly annoying. It's pretty similar to the sand that
can be passed, so... eh. Oh well - sequence breaking time!
This is bad map design. There is nothing physically stopping me from moving on ahead - just the map border, which is a game limitation. If you're not going to give me a path out, block it off in some way that makes it obvious what's an exit and what isn't.
More floating enemies.
It looks as if I should be able to walk around the tree, but I can't.
Another "false" exit. Just copy and paste exit events around these places.
This is before the place burns down. Might want to give her a different line until then.
These enemies are too close. Characters will seem to bump their heads against them.
Lol. Might want to move that one step down so this doesn't happen.
There's only a single walkable tile in the middle of this bridge, though it looks as though you should be able to walk on the ones above and below here.
...but I can't walk over this tile below me.
Or this one in front of me.
No one comments when I examine these statues. A generic "o noes" would be nice.
Okay, here you
have blocked off the exit, but I remember being able to just walk off screen at any point here and not having to walk all the way down to the place I came in. Again, I'd prefer exit events around the sides.
What's up with this place? The Motavia we're shown in PSIV is not a lush, green place. It feels out of place. What's more, unless you've changed it (which I haven't seen, because I quit at this point), there's another dungeon right behind this.
I'm actually not fond of these new dungeons so far. They take longer than the usual world map trips, and if you're going to make up for the lack of random enemies on the map by putting these things everywhere I need to go, you might as well just save yourself the trouble and add randoms to the world map instead.
...okay, that kind of took longer than planned. Sorry about the image dump, but I've compressed them quite heavily, so the page shouldn't be
too heavy.