Banana troubles

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Banana troubles

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jan 19, '11, 5:53 pm

I just read something that gave me cause for concern!!! It seems there is a disease afflicting banana plants in many places of the world and it may reach the US soon, and may wind up endangering the continued growth of bananas almost everywhere. :yikes: ... ?GT1=47001

This is scary!! Bananas are a very popular food item. I love to eat them by themselves and in many other food dishes.

What will we do without bananas???? :(

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Re: Banana troubles

Postby Thoul » Thu Jan 20, '11, 11:23 pm

That's rather disturbing, to think that an entire fruit could become extinct worldwide. I hope the scientists are able to come up with a successful countermeasure. Normally I don't care for genetic modification of food, but this is a case where I'd make an exception.
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Re: Banana troubles

Postby Tweeg » Mon Jan 24, '11, 3:35 am

Thoul wrote:I don't care for genetic modification of food, but this is a case where I'd make an exception.

Not if you knew what the process to force the genetic mutation involved and what the overall ramifications and side affects were.

Back on topic though, this is a potential disastor. That's the only fruit I like enough to eat in it's raw state.
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Re: Banana troubles

Postby Thoul » Mon Jan 24, '11, 6:19 pm

Tweeg wrote:Not if you knew what the process to force the genetic mutation involved and what the overall ramifications and side affects were.

You might be right. Now that you mention it, I recall reading something about some potentially nasty side effects from genetic alteration of food. This would need some long term research to see what results the change to the bananas might induce in those who eat them.
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