Silver, if you eat some of the foods on this list sometimes, I wouldn't worry even a second. The media and marketers love to make nutrition sound so easy, when it is ridiculously nuanced and complicated. It is astounding how often I see marketers and the media act as if the secret to health is as simple as always avoiding a given food or foods, when it just simply is not that easy, especially since deprivation often just creates craving. I love the one about artificial sweeteners in particular, where it throws out the word 'chemicals' so lightly as if chemicals are something to fear in and of itself. Everything is a chemical. Ever hear the term 'dihydrogen monoxide'? Well, it's the 'chemical' name of water and you can find videos on youtube of people being convinced to sign a petition to ban it when its called by its chemical name, instead of its common name. Calling artificial sweeteners 'chemicals' says nothing of value about artificial sweeteners themselves or the actual risks (if any - again, this is also complex and requires some knowledge of the science of toxicology to understand) associated with them, except just throwing out a negative-sounding word to poison the well. When an article, especially about food, just throws out the term 'chemicals,' your hogwash radar should probably start going off and the article probably merits a closer skeptical examination. Sugar is a chemical. Sodium is a chemical. Vitamin C is a chemical. Omega-3 fatty acids are chemicals. I could go on, but I won't. Marketing and the way information is presented is everything.
Take articles like this cautiously, not at face value - there's a good chance they are distorting something and oversimplifying things. And when it comes to nutrition and 'bad' foods to eat, take just about any news article with roughly a barrel's worth of salt. Basically any article that is titled '(Insert number here) foods to never eat' or something to that effect is taking a complex issue and way oversimplifying it, and probably needlessly scaring people in the process. Having a cinnabun or restaurant burger once in a while won't kill you or totally ruin your health. They really aren't saying anything that most people didn't already know - I think we knew that packaged cakes and pizza weren't the best foods out there, but that does not in anyway merit total avoidance. Just try to eat a decent mix of food, don't overdo massively processed foods, salt, refined sugars and fat, get some fruit, vegetables and whole grains in there and you'll probably be decently healthy. But having something 'bad' for you every once in a while isn't going to hurt most people. The application of a little common sense goes a long way.
As someone going into a field quite closely related to public health, these sorts of oversimplifying scare-tactic articles do a lot more harm than they do good, in my opinion.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Sun May 11, '14, 11:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.