Mr. Peanut makeover

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Mr. Peanut makeover

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Nov 10, '10, 10:24 pm

Mr. Peanut, the spokesman for Planter's Peanuts is getting a very expensive makeover, and guess which famous actor aka superhero is going to be the new voice of Mr. Peanut.... ... nut,47354/

So, do you think this new makeover will help??

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Re: Mr. Peanut makeover

Postby Thoul » Thu Nov 11, '10, 8:21 pm

Wow, that writer must really dislike the old Mr. Peanut. I've never seen so much negatively about the character. Maybe he isn't popular as he once was (not surprising - have you seen the price of Planters nuts lately? Way too high!), but still... I don't think there was a single positive statement about him in the whole article.

Kinda surprised to hear of Downey Jr. taking on this role, though. He's really spreading himself around a lot these days.
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