Back To School

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Back To School

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed Jul 22, '15, 7:21 pm

It's still a little early but already I am seeing signs of "Back To School" sales on clothing and other school supply items here in our area. It really is not that long until the first day of school as the school term here is beginning a little earlier this year as it has done the past few years.

So, just wondering, is anyone here heading back to school (or College or any other type of school) anywhere this year?

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Re: Back To School

Postby Wolf Bird » Wed Jul 22, '15, 7:35 pm

We're 2/3 of the way through July. The fact that back-to-school advertising is already appearing everywhere that department stores can plaster it (I've seen it here too...and a lot of kids in MA only got out late in June due to all the snow in February) is basically just taunting kids at this point. It's like we're eager to tell kids that their time to just be kids is almost up, even though a depressingly large number of those kids have probably been enrolled in so many other activities and over-scheduled for summer that they barely have time to just be a kid and use their own creativity and imagination. Not there is anything wrong with enrolling kids in soccer or baseball or whatever, but in the last few years it seems that balance has flown out the window on a falcon wearing a rocket-propelled jetpack.

I start back at grad school whenever the paperwork is done for getting my thesis approved.
Last edited by Wolf Bird on Wed Jul 22, '15, 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Back To School

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jul 31, '15, 3:18 am

I was listening to the news today and heard a news report about a school that had already started classes again. This school is trying something different. They are only having classes 4 days a week but they are having longer hours in the days they are in session, I think. According to the report student grades are up, etc., and the school saved enough following this system to build a brand new school house too. I wonder if this idea will catch on anywhere else. Shorter days but longer hours???

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Back To School

Postby Rudo » Tue Aug 4, '15, 9:22 pm

I am not looking forward to the first day of school, nor all the days after. How long is it until Christmas vacation?
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Re: Back To School

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Jul 29, '16, 5:55 pm

Get ready to see those yellow colored school buses rolling again as it is almost time for Back to School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First day of school starts in our area the first week of August, I think, although some areas of the state have already started back this week.

Anyone here going "back to school" soon?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Back To School

Postby Wolf Bird » Sun Jul 31, '16, 5:16 pm

Does it count if I'm going back to school in the sense of being a Teaching Assistant for my thesis advisor's class for the second year in a row? As I'm basically done with my thesis (except for final set of edits/reformatting) and I graduate in November (I participate in next May's commencement formalities).
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Re: Back To School

Postby Snorb » Sun Jul 31, '16, 7:44 pm

There's a bunch of stuff marked "BACK TO SCHOOL" in the stockroom at work; I'm not sure if that counts.
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Re: Back To School

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Fri Aug 2, '19, 9:03 pm

Well, it's that time again. Schools all over the US (and perhaps other places) are gearing up for another school year. School seems to be starting a little earlier this year than previous years. Back when I was in High School, I remember we always started school around or after the Labor Day Holiday in September, and now school is beginning in August. I guess it is to allow for any extra days that may be missed due to bad weather this winter, etc.

How about you? Will you be starting back to School anywhere this summer? Are the schools in your area beginning early in August or sometime later? Are you looking forward to being in school again each day?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Back To School

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Aug 3, '23, 4:42 pm

Schools here are starting early this year and already going back this first week in August!

Anyone going " back to School " (High school, College, Trade school, or other school) soon?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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