Artists of the Decade

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Artists of the Decade

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 10, '09, 5:09 pm

Who do you think was chosen as Artist Of the Decade? The answer might surprise you: ... &GT1=28102

Do you agree with this choice?

If not, who do you think should have been chosen as Artist(s) of the decade?

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Re: Artists of the Decade

Postby Thoul » Thu Dec 10, '09, 7:50 pm

That's not too surprising - he was really big in the early part of the decade. I haven't heard much about him in the last year or two, but it used to be that you couldn't turn around without some reference to the guy in the media. Kind of funny that he's actually fourth on the list, but becomes "best-selling" because he also managed to get the fifth spot.
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Re: Artists of the Decade

Postby Rudo » Thu Dec 10, '09, 11:50 pm

I just don't get the fascination for this guy. His name sounds like M&M's or something. :grumpy:
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