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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Oct 18, '12, 7:24 pm

"Arrow" is a new tv series on the CW network. The show is basically about the superhero Green Arrow aka Oliver Queen. I watched it and liked it a whole lot. Has anyone else seen it, and if so, what did you think about the show??

Check it out at the official site:

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Re: Arrow

Postby Thoul » Mon Oct 22, '12, 7:16 am

I've been watching it online. CW has a brand new hit on their hands, from the reviews I've been hearing for it. I was a bit skeptical at first, but I think this one really knocked it out of the park. It takes some liberties with the character, as all adaptations do, but spins an interesting enough tale. I see the potential for some angsty drama, which I hope the series doesn't spend too much time on, but there's good action and character development as well.
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Re: Arrow

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jul 8, '14, 12:57 am

Well, I must admit that I haven't been watching very much of "Arrow" since the second season. I liked it very much just got busy and never caught up on it. I will have to try and remedy that one day. Is anyone else watching the show, and if so, what's happening there now and how do you like it??

Saw some surprising news regarding "Arrow" today. It seems actor Brandon Routh ("Superman Returns") will be joining the show and he will be playing the role of The Atom and his counter part. It will be interesting to see what Routh can do with a role like this. From Superman to The Atom, oh my!!

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Re: Arrow

Postby Thoul » Tue Jul 8, '14, 2:46 am

Yeah, I skipped the second season also. I just got out of the habit of tracking down TV shows online each week or trying to catch them on air at the specified time. I heard the Flash was appearing in the second season, but couldn't be bothered to follow up on it.

I do wonder if this is build up for the Justice League movie that is supposedly coming. All these heroes - Arrow, Flash, Atom were staples of the old Justice League comics. Although, it would be kind of ironic to see Brandon Routh in a film alongside someone else playing Superman.
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Re: Arrow

Postby Bragatyr » Tue Jul 8, '14, 3:06 am

Yeah, that is quite a switch, going from Superman to The Atom. I think it's cool Atom is making it into a show, he's a much lesser known Justice League member. Now I wanna see Red Tornado!
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Re: Arrow

Postby Thoul » Tue Jul 8, '14, 4:37 am

Oooh, that would be pretty awesome! :D Ol' Reddy is a great character that they could do a lot of interesting stories with.
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