Archie the Newfoundland therapy dog honoured

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Archie the Newfoundland therapy dog honoured

Postby Srijita » Wed Jun 10, '09, 10:59 pm


This beautiful, 185 lb canine is Archie, a therapy dog who works at Casa Pacifica, a centre for abused, neglected, and emotionally disturbed children. Newfoundland dogs are recognised "Gentle Giants" and are renowned for being good with children. Their patience, affection, and protective nature have earned them the additional nickname of "Nature's babysitter". Nana, the nursemaid dog in J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan stories, was a Newfoundland. (She is incorrectly portrayed as a St Bernard in the Disney animation).

Archie lives with one of the centre's employees and starts each day by greeting everyone who works there. He is sweet, playful, and lovable. He drops to the ground, eye-level with toddlers. They lean into him, hug him, and climb on him. Adolescents drape their arms over him. The kids feel a sense of security with him, and look to him for support and encouragement. Apparently they practise their reading with Archie, tell him of their frustrations, and just sit by him when they need a friend. A toddler who arrived at Casa Pacifica when she was 11 months old spoke her first word there: "Archie"!

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors honoured him last week by proclaiming Tuesday “Archie Day”. During the ceremony, it was also announced that the Hogan Family Foundation in Newbury Park had commissioned a bronze sculpture as a tribute to Archie. The statue of Archie also features three children—two boys and a girl—representing the children at Casa Pacifica.

What a fitting tribute to this marvellous therapy dog. May he continue his work for many years to come. :proposetoast:

Sources: Ventura Country Star

Seattle Times

EDIT: typo corrected
Last edited by Srijita on Thu Jun 11, '09, 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Archie the Newfoundland therapy dog honoured

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jun 11, '09, 1:37 am

Hurray for Archie! :clap:

He is a beautiful dog. I had to LOL at the sign on him there in the picture. :D He's bigger than some of those kids there surrounding him but they don't seem afraid of him at all.

Good story! :up:

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