Arcade Infinity closing down in January

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Arcade Infinity closing down in January

Postby Flames of Yagami » Mon Dec 27, '10, 10:01 pm

Sad news today. Arcade Infinity, an arcade in California, is closing on January 15. ... -15th.html

Why am I making a big deal out of ONE arcade closing down? Well, it's one of the ONLY places in the US to have King of Fighters XIII, which STILL doesn't have a console release (assuming it even does have one). It's also weird since most arcades have been doing pretty well since the release of Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, though I think AI only has the original SFIV.
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Re: Arcade Infinity closing down in January

Postby xellos667 » Tue Dec 28, '10, 1:33 pm

Around where I live, I don't even remember when was the last time I saw an arcade with a fighting game inside of it. That's really sad :( And well, your news seem really more sad, though I didnt even knew it was the only place with King of Fighters XIII. I guess it takes a real fan to know these kind of things
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Re: Arcade Infinity closing down in January

Postby Thoul » Wed Dec 29, '10, 4:44 am

It's sad to see another arcade closing. There are so few of them left now. It's even worse when they have some unique games that might never been seen again...
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Re: Arcade Infinity closing down in January

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Dec 30, '10, 1:08 am

Aw, that is really sad news. So many places of business, etc., are closing these days due to the poor economy and other things. It really hits home though when it is gaming related in any way.

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