Apple's New iPhone

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Apple's New iPhone

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue Jun 10, '08, 7:42 pm ... &GT1=40000

So, what do you think of this new gadget?

It even has a video game by Sega - Super Monkey Ball!

Anyone planning on getting one of these new iPhones? What about the price - is it too expensive, or just right for all the features it has?

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Postby Thoul » Wed Jun 11, '08, 4:25 am

I don't even have a cell phone at all, but if I did get one it wouldn't be one so expensive. That's the problem with the iStuff, they come out with a new one before anyone's even used to the old one.
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Postby luke » Wed Jun 11, '08, 10:46 am

my girlfriend just got a new phone on contract, and it can pretty much do the same thing as the new iphone minus a few things. i could never see myself shelling out that kind of money for a phone. oh well, color me old-fashioned
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Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jul 12, '08, 3:16 am

I've been hearing a lot about the new Iphone that just came out - seems to be a few problems with it.

Anyone get one of these gadgets yet, and if so, how is yours working out so far?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Postby Celeith » Fri Aug 15, '08, 9:08 pm

Since I work at AT&T I can explain some things about the iPhone to you guys. It's a pretty decent phone but in actually its really the most PoS money taker out there. When you get on the iPhone plan your other plans do not work well or most of the time at all. For the plans to work on the iPhone they have to be a iPlan, such as the iPhones texting, bluetooth, media net, you can't get on a family plan so each thing is individual so say you are paying like 250 a month for your line but need a new line for your mom, well u can't get a new line so u have to buy a new phone and so she's spending 200 dollars instead of 9.99 a month, and many more features as well. To me a iPhone isn't worth it. Now we actually have some new blackberries called Blackberry Bulge I think that are coming out next month.
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