Any writers here?

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Re: Any writers here?

Postby Aeroprism » Mon Feb 16, '15, 12:55 pm

How about a script for an interactive story presented through a video game? Everything is experienced through the point of view of the main character. In your opinion, what sort of narrative would be best?
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Re: Any writers here?

Postby Hukos » Mon May 25, '15, 11:00 pm

So, I've been running into a problem lately with my writing.

I can't stand to look at it. Why is this a problem? I'm running into the issue of constantly starting over, even after writing only a single chapter. I'm absolutely sick of it, and its to the point that I can't write more than a single sentence before I want to scrap everything and start over again. I just can't get myself to write anything anymore unless I specifically don't look at anything I'm writing.
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Re: Any writers here?

Postby Scootaloo » Mon May 25, '15, 11:56 pm

I don't really write anything that much, my handwriting is very sloppy.
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Re: Any writers here?

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Tue May 26, '15, 9:32 pm

I'm not a writer so these are only my opinions but Hukos maybe you need to take a little break from writing for awhile until those feelings subside and you feel the excitement of writing once again. Or maybe you could try typing your work for awhile instead of writing it out. As I said, I am not a writer so I don't really know what advice to give. Maybe one of the other writers that visit the Fringes board might have some better advice for you. Good luck with your future works.
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Tue May 26, '15, 9:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Any writers here?

Postby augmentedfourth » Tue May 26, '15, 10:30 pm

Sounds like a writing break could be in order. Either that, or maybe find a way to lock up your progress after you write something. No, seriously. If you're handwriting stuff, get yourself a stack of cheap notebooks, and once you're done writing something, put it somewhere else and don't look at it for, say, a week or so (and write something else during that week). If you're an electronic person like myself, maybe you can find a good friend you can email your files to and he/she will hold on to them until some time has passed and you can go back and look at them later.

(You can take all this with a grain of salt, as I've been on a writing break for about two months now, so what do I know. *shrug* )
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