I guess this would be a scenario for a new and blossoming relationship. If you were in this situation, would you wait a while to tell your significant other that you were a gamer? or would you want them to know right away?
Despite how secure you might be with your gaming life, there is still a stigma that gaming = bad, and people that game are not worth wasting time on. Do you think that someone new might pre-judge you based on the fact that you are a gamer? I don't use personal ads and never would, but I've heard that there are some girls that specify in their profiles: "no gamers please" <---------- Really?
My ex-girlfriend knew that I was a gamer before she got involved with me, and even after being with her for years, she despised the fact that I was a gamer. She took no interest in trying to get involved in my hobby, even though I took an interest in getting involved in quite a few of her hobbies.
This isn't a "cry about my ex-girlfriend" topic, I just wanted you to understand where I'm coming from on this, and how girls have reacted to my gaming in the past. In fact, breaking up with my ex-girlfriend was the best thing I ever did.
I don't actively go looking for girls these days, but if I ever came across a nice girl again, I wonder what would be best. Waiting to tell her that I'm a gamer, or just let her know right away? Also, how would you handle the situation?
I think gaming is only an issue if people let it be. You see, there are gamers out there that live for gaming, and that's all they want to do, but for me, gaming is a hobby. I do it in my free time. Some people watch movies, some people play chess, whatever, I like to game in my free time.
Quite honestly, gaming is one of the lowest priorities in my life. Work, paying bills, staying fit, and home maintenance come first, and if I have time at the end of the day, I will game for an hour or two. I really don't see why that bothers some people.
I'm pretty comfortable in my life right now. I have a good job, I can pay all my bills with money left over to buy the things that I want, and being single doesn't really bother me. I'm used to it.
Upon putting some thought into it, I really think that I would just tell a new girl in my life that I was a gamer right away, and if she wasn't comfortable with it, then she's not worth my time. Relationships shouldn't be about trying to change people.
Last edited by S4Blade on Wed Mar 19, '14, 9:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.