Anna Sprite

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Anna Sprite

Postby Thoul » Mon Aug 11, '08, 8:19 am

So this is Anna's sprite from her text adventure. It shows Anna in her red gear, a full two years before Phantasy Star II. I wonder if she was still a Hunter at this point?

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Re: Anna Sprite

Postby Tanith » Mon Oct 25, '10, 3:31 pm

Thoul wrote:I wonder if she was still a Hunter at this point?
I'm playing through her text adventure game right now and I can sort of answer this question.

Her bio says she's a counter-hunter, but then the opening of her game goes on to read (bolding mine): "Being an enthusiastic and gifted hunter, Amia had already claimed fifteen bounties by the time she arrived in this remote region." So, the answer? Either, I guess. Perhaps that sentence was referring to her hunter bounties preceding her work as a counter-hunter. On the other hand, look at the date. It takes place in the Fall of 1282. Were there hunters before the advent of biomonsters? I could have sworn in the actual game (or somewhere) that hunters were a direct result of the biomonsters. According to Rudo's text game, his family was killed by a biomonster in the Summer of 1281, and as far as I know, that's the earliest incidence of biomonsters. So, Anna, being enthusiastic and gifted, certainly made the switch from hunter to counter-hunter quite quickly.

Honestly, I'm still confused about when and why hunters started appearing on Motavia.

Here's the full beginning of her text game from the recent MIJET translation (I copied this as I read it; any spelling errors are theirs):

Time: 1282 A.W., Autumn
Place: Bee Rock, on the planet Motavia
Character: Amia
Bee Rock: A village at the end of the earth.
Amia: a young, beautiful counter-hunter.

Being an enthusiastic and gifted hunter, Amia had already claimed fifteen bounties by the time she arrived in this remote region. An Agents commander had been assigned to Bee Rock, and it was open season on a group of Motavian thieves holed up in town. They were accused of illegally accessing Mother Brain in order to disrupt the dome farm, which supplies food to the entire region. Hacking is among the most serious of crimes, and the commensurate bounties on such game are quite high. Amia parked her dune buggy by a hill near the village. Her first task was to get in touch with an Agents liaison.

Edited: By the way, I've been able to deduce that the start of PSII had to take place no earlier than the Fall of 1284. Nei's adventure takes place in the Spring of 1284, and that's when she met Rolf. Let's say her game takes place in March, the earliest month of Spring (I'm considering Palmans use a Terran calendar, due to the newspaper in Skure). Add seven months (the amount of time Nei had been living with Rolf) and it's October. It would have to be the end of October at that. That's the earliest starting date for PSII.

Oh, and Anna's text adventure is fun. It addresses the prejudice against native Motavians and the poverty suffered by rural workers.
Last edited by Tanith on Mon Oct 25, '10, 3:31 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Anna Sprite

Postby Xander » Mon Oct 25, '10, 4:54 pm

And it's actually quite a challenging game too. The area after the motavian hideout is quite hard with all the fights to be had. Especially when you can't skip fights in these games, you have to win if you want to keep going. Anyway, i'll say no more so as not to spoil anything for anyone.

As for the whole bio-monster thing, I've always assumed that after the events of PS I there would have been some monsters left in the wild that survived for the thousand years between the two games. The bio-monsters you meet in PS II simply added to the mess. Not that it bothers me that much, it's just an idea.
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Re: Anna Sprite

Postby tilinelson2 » Mon Oct 25, '10, 7:42 pm

I also think that being a hunter goes beyond hunting biomonsters. Anna was a hunter and hunted criminals in the story. The story also explains why she started questioning her role as a hunter.. The adventure is very interesting.
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Re: Anna Sprite

Postby Tanith » Mon Oct 25, '10, 10:02 pm

tilinelson2 wrote:The story also explains why she started questioning her role as a hunter..
Well, that answers the hunter/counter-hunter question. I haven't gotten that far yet, but I can tell that's where the story is going. It's really good. I love how such a small text game can address a big issue like racism.
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Re: Anna Sprite

Postby Xander » Tue Oct 26, '10, 8:05 pm

And it's always good for the character development too, isn't it?

Anyway, yes, as Tilinelson said, all shall be revealed by the end. Then you'll have to play Rolf's adventure. That one you will like. :p
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Re: Anna Sprite

Postby Tanith » Sat Oct 30, '10, 1:01 am

Xander wrote:Then you'll have to play Rolf's adventure. That one you will like. :p
Finished! It was pretty easy compared to the other games, at least from what I could tell. I have to say I'm glad for all the fabulous fanfic fodder (alliteration much?) contained in it, but I did find the placement of Scion confusing.

I'm still playing Anna's game, actually. I haven't found a place for unlimited healing. I've found a mushroom and an edible cactus, but they didn't seem to regenerate the way bread does in Rolf's game or the way Hugh's special storage room rejuvenates him repeatedly. I'm not looking for hints here, just confirming that her game is challenging, and yes, lots of battles.
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Re: Anna Sprite

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 6, '20, 7:05 pm

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

Anna Sprite! Cute.

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Re: Anna Sprite

Postby DarkWitchClaire » Thu May 7, '20, 3:39 pm

Good Anna sprite!
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Re: Anna Sprite

Postby myau56 » Fri May 8, '20, 11:18 am

Very nice sprite ! :)
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