Well, I find it hard to image a castle still around today that probably hasn't been modernized to some degree, or else nobody would probably be living there.
I think the castle's one would find today would be very different from castle's found say over 100 years ago, or back in the day of dungeons, dragons, etc.
Sure, those unmodernized ones would be fun to "visit" for awhile, but a person's home is their "castle" so you would want to fix it up where you could be comfortable and do things. I mean, you gotta play video games and watch your favorite TV episode and take a hot bath and have a comfortable bed, and cook your favorite meal or snack in the microwave or oven, etc.
Imagine how things may have been different back then regarding all these things. Just thinking about it makes me appreciate electricity and all the modern conveniences a whole lot more.
But, hey, yeah, I'd love to have a castle. I'd fix that thing up will all new stuff or what I could and still retain the charm and allure of the castle doing it.