America's Most Wanted

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America's Most Wanted

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jan 19, '08, 10:08 pm

Anyone watch this program? I used to watch it faithfully, but over the years I have lost touch with it. I still see John Walsh, host of the program, on some news programs every now and then, especially when they are looking for a particular criminal, etc. currently in the news.

Do you think the criminals on the run watch this program too so they will know what's happening? Interesting theory. A bunch of criminals on the run have already been caught over the years by people watching this show and recognizing someone and then turning them in.

With all the crime going around everywhere, this show should be set with high ratings for a long time to come.

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Postby Celeith » Sun Jan 20, '08, 12:53 am

I use to watch this all the time with my parents when i was little, lost interest after awhile.
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Postby Thoul » Mon Jan 21, '08, 6:40 pm

It's still going? I used to watch it with my parents when younger too, but it went off the air in our area. I thought it was canceled.
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