Alternate Universe CYOA: Phantasy Star 3

Adventures in board based gaming.

Re: Alternate Universe CYOA: Phantasy Star 3

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Jul 25, '13, 10:39 pm

Snorb wrote:(to the tune, if that is possible, of Barry Manilow's Copacabana)
(EDIT: Choice A, because you can't really see the bolded A in Maia's name.)
(I apologize in advance.)

Her name was Maia
She was a bluenette
With rappy feathers in her hair, and a dress cut down to there
She would Rever, and cast Gi Resta
And when she washed upon the shore, Rhys longed for something more
Across the whole castle, they would eat pretzels
They were young and they had each other
Who could ask for more?

I love it!! The Copacabana song has new life with this!! :clap:

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Re: Alternate Universe CYOA: Phantasy Star 3

Postby Tanith » Mon Mar 3, '14, 2:48 pm

Hooooly cow, I am SO sorry for abandoning this game suddenly! Excuses, excuses, but last July I moved across the country AGAIN, and I haven't felt up to much of anything in a creative capacity for many, many months. I'll update soon!
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Re: Alternate Universe CYOA: Phantasy Star 3

Postby Snorb » Mon Mar 3, '14, 4:45 pm

Amyith!! Welcome back!!
Read my social stuff!
The ramblings of an oldish geezer on Facebook.
@SnorbESnorb on Twitter. The "E" stands for "Everything."

Play my games!
The ArrrPG - A game I made about being a pirate. This be a first draft, matey! Though it plays just fine, clap yer eyes on th' eventual Revised an' Expanded Edition and you'll be pleased, by thunder!

Nakama: A Card Game of Magical Girls - A completely un-playtested card game about being a magical girl.

Well, excuse me while I defy all laws of logic and common sense and do it anyway.
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Re: Alternate Universe CYOA: Phantasy Star 3

Postby myau56 » Tue Mar 4, '14, 8:30 pm

Dear ANITH : Happy Return ! Very long time !! Hope you are fine and that your "move" across the country was a "success" : see you soon ! :)
Phantasy Star Forever

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