All coffee tastes the same (a rant)

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All coffee tastes the same (a rant)

Postby MrKite » Tue Feb 1, '22, 6:01 pm

Because I am getting older, I not too long ago decided to stop drinking soda so much and start drinking coffee instead even though I don't care for how it tastes. Having only been drinking coffee regularly since December, I have no idea why coffee has different flavors. They all taste exactly the same. I bought various different flavors and tried them all back to back to see which one I liked best, and I couldn't tell the difference. They all tasted alike, whether it be a dark roast or a medium roast, and whether it has milk or some kind of creamer added. Like there's this one flavor by Starbucks called Pike Place Chocolate and Toasted Nut, which is a medium roast blend, which is initially what I drank the most until recently. I never tasted any chocolate flavor. Maybe some toasted nut, if by toasted nut they mean a nut that has been burned to a crisp in a skillet. I remember once Denis Leary was preaching how it's hard to get a "coffee flavored" coffee anymore. I don't know what he was going on about. It all tastes exactly the same, no matter what the flavor claims to be. The only major difference I noticed is when I tried out the McCafe pods (I also tried different brands), which sometimes have more of a sweetness to them and not in a good way. What's the deal here? Why do they have different flavors for coffee when all these flavors all taste alike?
Mr. Kite, FOA's resident Alys Brangwin fanboy. Thank you Lyla2284 for making this pic that I used to make this sig.

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Re: All coffee tastes the same (a rant)

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Feb 5, '22, 6:52 pm

Good post and questions, Mr. Kite!

I am not much of a coffee drinker so I really can't say. I only drink a cup or so every now and then and mostly when it is cold and I want something to warm me up.

The coffee I usually drink is Maxwell House International, French Vanilla Cafe. Although the last time I drunk a cup of that it tasted funny and almost made me sick. Since no one in our home really drinks much coffee, we have not invested in buying some of the various pricier coffees and coffee makers.

Coffee also makes me unable to sleep at night. We mostly drink coke and also bottled water.

In my opinion, I think a lot of foods and probably coffees do not taste the same as they used to because some of the ingredients used in the products have changed in some way. Whether it be cheaper ingredients used, or less ingredients used, or something else that affects the taste and quality of the products. They probably have a lot of flavors trying to make everyone buy each of them therefore selling more of their products.

It will be interesting to hear from other coffee drinkers on this subject.

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Re: All coffee tastes the same (a rant)

Postby MrKite » Sat Feb 5, '22, 8:30 pm

Yeah, I've been trying out a Maxwell House brand as of late myself called "Smooth & Bold". It tastes just like all the others but I think it feels different. Not taste, feel.
Mr. Kite, FOA's resident Alys Brangwin fanboy. Thank you Lyla2284 for making this pic that I used to make this sig.

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