Edgar Allan Poe funeral

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Edgar Allan Poe funeral

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Oct 10, '09, 6:24 pm

Edgar Allan Poe has been dead for 160 years, and now on the 200th anniversary of his birth, he is going to receive a "proper" funeral:


I don't know about anybody else, but this is kind of spooky! :yikes: :tombstone:

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Re: Edgar Allan Poe funeral

Postby Srijita » Sat Oct 10, '09, 8:41 pm

Edgar Allan Poe was one of the writers whose work I simply could not take. I can admire him for perfecting his particular craft, but his stories were just a little too disturbing for my taste. Horror in general I tend to avoid, but I managed to get through Bram Stoker's Dracula and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein without undue distress; the latter IMO is more of a tragedy than a horror story. But Edgar Allan Poe and HP Lovecraft are in a different league. Edgar Allan Poe can be even more disturbing than Lovecraft, and that's saying someting. :ill:

As for the new funeral... I could understand some form of memorial service to mark the 200th anniversary of his birth and honour his work, but creating a mock-up of his body is taking things too far. That oversteps the boundaries of good taste.
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Re: Edgar Allan Poe funeral

Postby Thoul » Sun Oct 11, '09, 1:11 am

The corpse mock up thing is just creepy. The first paragraph of that article sounds like it could a plot for one of his stories. I wonder what Poe would think of all this? I bet he could spin it into a truly spooky yarn.
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