Air Castle

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Air Castle

Postby Thoul » Tue Mar 25, '08, 8:08 am

Hidden among an asteroid belt, the Air Castle floats through space as it one hung in the air over planet Palma. The planet has been reduced to lifeless rocks floating in their former orbit, but this evil place remains intact. Like the rest of the planet, it too is lifeless. The former master of the castle lives on, but as an undead creature without true life.

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Postby Celeith » Tue Mar 25, '08, 8:19 am

*Random Star Wars music plays*

Chaz: What the hell is that?
Wren: Oh sorry, I thought it set the mood

(Presses button to turn music off)

Rune: Seems like this is the Death Star of Algo don't you agree?
Kyra: George Lucas would be so proud of us if he could see this moment.

Lashiec: Bwahahahaha *asthma sounds*
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Postby snowdragon » Tue Mar 25, '08, 8:03 pm

gee, that's a morbid description and picture. :blank:
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his wrath undoes the wicked

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Postby newsblade » Wed Mar 26, '08, 12:19 am

It seems they don't need the Aeroprism neither the Damoa's crystal anymore.
By the way, is Alex Ossale the real name of Lashiec (like Anakin Skywalker is to Darth Vader)? Or was just a joke to say that Damoa is not the great fortune teller he thinks he is? This must be a very dumb question but I never saw this confirmation anywhere.
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Postby Thoul » Wed Mar 26, '08, 12:36 am

I believe Alex Ossale was just an easter egg, like Miki and her Sega games question. One of the developers used Ossale as a pen name in the credits. I think the Alex part was a reference to some other Sega game (Alex Kidd? That's the only thing that springs to mind).

Nice observation about not needing the Aeroprism or crystal. I never noticed that myself. When you're living on a floating rock among a lot of other floating rocks, I guess there's no need to make the castle invisible.
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Re: Air Castle

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Mar 23, '17, 8:42 pm

Bumping up this former Image Of The Day!

The Air Castle only a shadow of it's former self remains.

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Re: Air Castle

Postby Snorb » Thu Mar 23, '17, 10:41 pm

LaShiec: "Real estate," they told me! Look what your chump friends from 2000 years ago did to my castle! YOU OWE ME SOME MESETA!!!
Rune: You owe me meseta! Moon Dew ain't cheap, LaShiec! (points at vaguely-Chaz-shaped scorch mark)
LaShiec: I thought I was doing you a favor by flash-frying him!
Rika: ;_;
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Re: Air Castle

Postby myau56 » Fri Mar 24, '17, 12:30 pm

First, nice pic here ! I've always love the Air Castle and even like an asteroid, it's a great place to visit and so fond memories about the first one ! :) :fiery:
Then, about Aeroprism and the the first one the prism was used to make appear the Air Castle and now no need for it as with all those asteroids, impossible not to locate it I presume ! Hard to miss :) (Now Prism is used to make appear Rykros).
And the Crystal : maybe Lashiec has lost many of his powers during that time ? (even if he is still hard to beat ! ;) )

And last but not least, about Alex Ossale !
I've read an explanation on a forum from the site smspower : here it is ! :)

Today is my day for finding weird stuff. I just noticed..
Ossale Kohta, real name Kotaro Hayashida, has worked on plenty of early Sega games. He designed Alex Kidd.
He also wrote the scenario of Phantasy Star, including the sentence:
(Quote from the game :
Good! You are searching for Alex Ossale?)
Well, I figured out that the Alex Ossale character is probably an intentional mixup between his own nick-name and Alex Kidd.

And in my memories, I've aways seen about that explanation and the fact that it can be a private joke like Mikki and Sega games, like Thoul said before :)
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Re: Air Castle

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Sep 18, '22, 10:34 pm


:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: Air Castle

Postby myau56 » Mon Sep 19, '22, 12:02 pm

Scary but Impressive ! ^^
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