Accepting Fate • Phantasy Star: Fringes of Algo

Accepting Fate

Fan written stories based on Phantasy Star IV.

Re: Accepting Fate

Postby Lucas » Sun Apr 11, '10, 5:16 am

Chapter Eleven: You can’t save everyone!

“Where in the world did Isa learn to do that?” asked Autumn
Will then replied “I’m not so sure myself but she’s quite good when I comes to healing spells. Seriously if those other hunters never came past in the land rover I don’t think you would have made it”
“Yeah to bad if, huh…so what was the spell she used on me called?” She said trying to change the subject back to Isa.
“Anti!” replied Will “It cures poisoning and paralysis and similar things”
“Oh I see, I really must thank her again when we return home and it’s a good thing she healed my nose while she was at it.” Autumn then changed topic “So this is a land rover?” she asked now looking around her.

The three hunters were sitting inside the large metallic vehicle it had the power to travel through quick sand at a very fast speed so it wouldn’t sink. It was also good defence against larger monsters particularly sandworms and desert leeches.

“Yep this is a land rover. It’s a pretty amazing piece of technology if you ask me. Not only is it a vehicle it’s also a weapon and a computer. Trust me it’s quite difficult to drive too. Hank’s a better driver than me so that’s why he’s driving up front there” Will laughed.
“I see” said Autumn still checking the interior out
“Oh and today’s objective will be different to its not so much a hunt but rather a clean up. We have to investigate a near by town that was destroyed recently by that creature who has your friend.” Will told her.
Suddenly Autumn stopped looking around and turned her full attention toward Will. “You mean I can use today to my advantage and get some idea of where Elisa is?” asked Autumn.
“Sure thing kiddo, but remember you still gotta help us remove the rubble at some point too. The Government of Motavia plans on actually rebuilding the town so we have to clear it out.”
“What about the dead people?” questioned Autumn in an unhappy voice
“The bodies have already been taken away and each given individual burials. Currently it’s just a ghost town” he replied
“Thank goodness” she replied in a relieved voice.
“Hey you two you better get ready we’ll be there in a few more minutes” Hank shouted back from the front of the land rover.
“Aye, aye boss” Autumn replied in a joking voice.


The land rover door slid open and the three hunters hopped out. Each of them still carried their weapons and was wearing armour just for safety precautions. On the back of the land rover was a very large trailer. It was going to store all the rubble so it could be disposed of when they returned to Aiedo.
“Okay now remember where we parked” said Hank laughing to himself.
The other two also laughed. Then everyone looked around, the place was destroyed completely not one building was standing; everything was smashed up and broken. Debris lay all over the ground you couldn’t even see the desert sand underneath, it looked like a dump.
“Now do you see why I don’t want you running off to fight this thing until your ready?” Will told Autumn.
“Don’t worry about me” replied Autumn in a cheerful voice “Because I’m not only going save Elisa, now I’m going to avenge all these poor souls it killed in this village too.”
“Look don’t get too cocky because you killed Medusa, she wasn’t a dark being she was a resurrected lamia remember” Will told her in a parenting kind of tone.
“I say praise her spunky attitude Will” interrupted Hank who was walking around with a shovel in his hands “She knows what she wants to do so lets give her that back up support she’ll need”
“Thanks Hank!” Autumn shouted too him happily.
Will didn’t say anything he seemed to be lost in some of his thoughts.


As the afternoon went on the sun seem to increase in temperature. Will and Hank were shovelling broken bits of house and scrap wood into the large trailer; both of them were completely soaked in sweat. Autumn on the other hand had spent the morning investigating everything her bright bubbly eyes came into contact with.
“What’s that?” she asked herself running over to a large pile of scrap. She then pulled a small waving piece of white material off a sharp sheet of metal. (“It looks like it’s from a dress, maybe it was off Elisa’s white dress she was wearing back then?”) Autumn thought to herself.

“Hey we’ll be in the land rover if you need us we’re having lunch now!” Hank shouted to Autumn from the other side of the village.
“Okay!!!” she yelled back waving her arms in the air. (“Hmmm, I haven’t checked over there yet”) she told herself. She then began wandering over to the far east side of the village. Everywhere Autumn looked was the same, just broken bits of house and old belongings everywhere.
“Hhmmm what’s that shinning red coating?” she asked herself aloud.
In the rubble a large red object could be seen with the sun reflecting off it. Autumn then walked closer to it. She then grabbed a large sheet of tin and removed it from the thing. Only to see it had pieces of wood on it too. Autumn then using both her hands began pushing the wood off as well. Then suddenly she stopped she had a freaked out look on her face.
“It’s, it’s a…”
“Grrraaaough!!!” it said in deep gargling voice a large creature then stood up. The rubble just fell off it and it was massive. It must have been asleep and Autumn woke it by removing the bits of building covering it.
“Crap!” she said to herself then she extracted her claws and began slowly stepping away from it knowing it was angry.
It’s huge red body looked extremely tough it had two large pincers for it’s hands and eight red skeletal like legs supported it. A long tail with venomous spines sat raised in the air. It also had menacing orange eyes; the monster seemed to resemble somewhat that of a gigantic scorpion.

Both and Will and Hank ran out of the land rover and saw the huge red insect that stood before Autumn.
Hank then threw his mouldy sandwich he was previously eating to the ground and ran to Autumn. Will followed just as quickly and pulled the sword from his back in the process.
“It’s a Scorpirus! Get away from it Autumn!” Will shouted.
Autumn then turned and was about to run, but its huge tail came crashing down next to her. The impact it made when it hit ground sent Autumn flying the opposite way. She then landed on a large pile of rubble. “Whoa!” she exclaimed aloud as she rolled off the pile and onto the ground landing on her feet. She was now a few meters behind the crimson beast.

“Heeeyaaa!” Will shouted as he jumped into the air and swung his sword at the monster. The sword smashed into one of its large claws. But instead of damaging the beast Will was thrown back and he landed on the hard ground below. He never even left a scratch on it.
“How the hell did it get into the village?” Hank asked himself while firing his gun at the scorpirus. The bullets that shot from the small handgun just bounced off its strong red husk.
Will then picked himself up from the ground. “It must have entered after the people were killed. These things usually stay away from active and noisy places” he replied to Hank’s question.

Suddenly the scorpirus began approaching Will and Hank with it’s tail raised in the air and it’s claws out ready for attack. The weapons the hunter’s had with them were useless as they never expected to run into a scorpirus, it’s thick covering could easily withstand the basic attacks they dished out.
“Where the hell is Autumn?” Will shouted. He then began frantically looking around.
Suddenly a massive blaze of slashes could be seen circling around the scorpirus. She was using the disrupt skill and was madly attacking the creature. She eventually stopped and realised she wasn’t damaging it. No slash marks were present she hadn’t even cracked its armour.
“What!” She said in a surprised voice. “It’s not working!” Autumn then tried it again. Several of her clones jumped into the air and came crashing down toward it. On contact with the bright red husk of the beast they vanished into a large mass of slashes again. The Scorpirus just stopped it wasn’t bothering to fight back against Autumn it clearly knew she wasn’t hurting it. Autumn then stopped her clones vanished and she was panting and sweating. (“It’s useless”) she thought to herself. Autumn then looked down at her claws. They had been worn right back that they were no longer sharp. By slashing at the scorpirus she had blunted her only weapon.

Will and Hank both ran to meet her.
“Are you okay?” Will asked.
“I’m fine, but my offence isn’t” she replied showing him her terribly short and now useless claws. They then retracted back into the gloves.


“I think it would be best for us to get out of here while the going is good” Will suggested.
“What you mean we’re going to leave this thing here so it can endanger people?” Autumn threw back at him.
“Calm down Autumn, we will have to return with the correct equipment to deal with this kind of circumstance” replied Hank
The hunters then turned and were about run when they were stopped by the sight a small Motavian who emerged from underneath a pile of rubble.
“What!” exclaimed Autumn
“A survivor” Will said astounded
“I thought they cleared the village?” Hank shot out
All three were amazed to see a living child. His blue feathery skin was all dirty and he was wearing a brown robe but it was very dirty and tacky looking.

But it was too late the Scorpirus spotted the boy.
Will then picked up a large rock and tossed it straight toward beast. It smacked into the front of its husk, but bounced straight off not even a tiny dent was left. The creature didn’t even care because it was angry and wanted to make something pay.
“Nooo!” Autumn shouted as she ran to toward the boy with her arm outstretched.
Everything slowed down. It was as though she was being forced to watch the following event. She had walked to far away from the scorpirus to get back to it in time to save the kid. The tail of the large red beast speared straight down toward the running child.

There was nothing they could do. They watched the child’s innocent body hit the ground. His life was taken from him by a small-brained insect. They then stared up at the scorpirus, it’s large orange eyes, stared back at them. It was a cold evil stare; the beast had made its point. It then turned and began slowly scuttering away leaving the hunters with the unfortunate child.
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