Accepting Fate: Artificial Heartbeat • Phantasy Star: Fringes of Algo

Accepting Fate: Artificial Heartbeat

Fan written stories based on Phantasy Star IV.

Re: Accepting Fate: Artificial Heartbeat

Postby Lucas » Mon May 2, '11, 9:19 am

Chapter 5: Ambushed!

DG continued walking through what appeared to be a burning endless wasteland with little life. She'd be fortunate enough to encounter a small cactus which she claimed in hopes of growing more, for her own enjoyment. Agriculture was actually a primary interest of hers. It appeared to have been passed down from the Mother Brain after she was created.

Mother Brain was afterall the sole entity responsible for growing all the crops on this planet two-thousand years ago. DG however was displeased that most of the people she tried talking to in her own realm about the subject of watermelons and apples being mass-produced for human consumption found it boring.

Also she of course could have reached civilisation a lot faster if she wanted too, but being in the real world she wanted to take her time getting to her destination and take in as much as she could. She also had to think of a way to tell Elisa she was indeed the program she was talking to on the internet without her thinking she was lying. It would also be tough to explain to her how she created her body. To DG the laws of physics could be bent and broken with a single thought and her vast knowledge allowed her to play god at will. This is why it was so easy for her to bring her body to the real world, even though it was digital in origin.

DG also had no idea what “Elisa” looked like but she was fortunate enough to know her location, thanks to saving the IP address from her computer after she spoke with her. She was also aware she was a human and she apparently had a numan for her best friend. Thinking about interacting with both races made the silver liquid within her body bubble with excitement.

After walking for almost and endless two-hours DG stopped, and she scanned the area before her. Someone was coming and they had spotted her.

DG stayed perfectly still eyeing her target, taking in as much data as she could about the figure before her. As the person got closer she found out he was a motavian, he was male and his intentions were indeed bad. She was kind of disappointed that her first encounter with intelligent life had to give off dangerous vibes.

“What do we have here!” the motavian bellowed in a raspy voice. He was wearing a brown robe which covered his whole body only revealing his face. The blue feathery fur that dominated his face was all messy and gave off a very repulsive smell. He also had one eye patch which covered his right eye. His left eye was blood red in colour. He was no doubt a thief.

The hot sun beat down on her bare shoulders. She didn't answer the motavian's question and she didn't stray her vision from him either.

When he was about a meter away from her he commented on the dark blue visor which covered the top half of her face. “Say little girly where did ya acquire such a piece of advanced technology, ya know that would be worth quite a bit on the black market, maybe 3,000 messeta or maybe even 4,000 if ya lucky. Mind if I have a look at it?” he said reaching his huge blue hand closer to her face.

“I mind” she bluntly replied. It was quite clear she felt crushed inside. She was hoping her first interaction with another physical being would be placid, and not troubling such as the one taking place.

A spark of anger glinted in the motavian's left eye. He then lowered his hand and tightly put it on her shoulder. His touch was warm and soft but the violent grip he held on her fragile body didn't make this a pleasing interaction with his species. DG then noticed several other shadowy figures that were not to far from them. It was no doubt more thieves and they had all been watching her. They drew even closer, and there was a total of eight including the one already making contact with her. Five were motavian and three were human.

“Hand over that visor you little idiot!' one of the human thieves shouted. DG never took his words to heart. She knew not all people in this world could be like this.

The motavian then tightened his grip on DG's shoulder. Out of frustration she reacted. She nudged her shoulder with enough force to make him lose grip, then turned around and smashed her fist into his face, a long stream of red blood sprayed from his mouth as he hit the desert sand. Then as he began to pick himself up DG slammed her foot into his head with force making it hit the ground once again. He was unconscious and blood seemed to soak into the yellow sand. No expression crossed DG's face.

“You freak, take her down boys!” another motavian yelled. DG turned and seen four thieves charging at her. She easily dogged their punches and kicks. One of the humans even pulled a knife on her which she whacked out of his hand. She then grabbed the knife and stabbed it into his left hand, then while he was yelling in pain she performed a turning kick connecting with his face knocking him to the ground.

Despite already having knocked out two of them they continued to attack her. She easily took down the reaming motavians their large builds made them slower than the humans and also a lot easier to hit. Another human charged at her holding a large rusty bloodstained butcher knife. He went in for a big swing which DG managed to dodge. She kicked his hand breaking all the bones in it which resulted in him dropping the knife. Then using her other foot she thrusted it into his face no doubt crushing his nose; red blood squirted out of the sides of her shoe which was firmly pressed into his face. He then hit the ground with the rest of the thieves.

Only one remained and he too was foolish enough not to run. Picking up the large knife the previous human held he charged at DG yelling with hatred in his eyes. DG then held out her left hand.

“FOI!!!” she yelled. Suddenly a burning hot orb shot from her palm straight into the man his whole body was burning smoke began to sizzle from his skin as he too became a victim to the desert sand under his feet.

DG looked before her where the five motavians and three humans all lay. Some were not moving, others whimpered in pain and some even lay gasping for breath. Mere words could not describe her disappointment over such a savage and unfair attack. She indeed felt horrible for spilling their blood but the result was only out of self defence.

DG then took a few steps back her eyes still on them. Defying the laws of gravity that kept those bound to this realm on solid ground, she levitated from the earth until she was about six feet high. Then she announced to the corrupt people before her “Those of you who still draw breath, consider DG merciful!”

to be continued....
Last edited by Lucas on Tue May 29, '12, 5:36 am, edited 3 times in total.

"It's always fun to kill a god." ~ Akuma (Marvel vs. Capcom 3)
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