A treat for you lunar fans

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A treat for you lunar fans

Postby Rick » Thu Apr 1, '10, 9:35 pm

Back in the day, times long ago that most of you wouldn't remember, there existed a game called Lunar Eternal Blue.

Come 2001, when the internet was still evolving, someone created a grand remix from Lunar Eternal Blue.

It was called Lucia Lunaria. It had the extension .xm but played in winamp.

I'm putting it up for you to enjoy. It's a great piece of music and Lucia's voice is so soft.

"Why are the flowers so soft and the snakes so deadly?"


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Re: A treat for you lunar fans

Postby Celeith » Fri Apr 2, '10, 12:42 am

Just downloaded that Rick and I have to say, I see Lunar2 Eternal Blue in a new light now.. I'm gonna go play that ^_^
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Re: A treat for you lunar fans

Postby Rick » Fri Apr 2, '10, 1:15 am

It's an awesome song done to the original Lunar Eternal Blue.

Lucia had a rather nice sounding voice and the EB dub was better than the dub for Ys 3 I tell you.
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Re: A treat for you lunar fans

Postby PSjunkie » Fri Apr 2, '10, 2:03 am

I'd have to say after PS games, Lunar EB is next fav game, I do annual runs of that along side my annual PS runs. :)
Thanks Rick. :up:
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Re: A treat for you lunar fans

Postby Lemina » Fri Apr 2, '10, 3:22 pm

Oh wow, thankies~ I love Lunar and EB, I just have to get around to finishing EB, :lol: Thanks for the song!


Credits to Altin for the sig. Thank you dude! ^_^
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Re: A treat for you lunar fans

Postby XXXG-00W0 WING-0 » Mon May 17, '10, 7:00 am

Geh... Can't download from the PS3. Megaupload doesn't like the PS3 and the PS3 doesn't like Megaupload either...

Gonna wait until I turn on the comp again.
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Re: A treat for you lunar fans

Postby thepeaguy » Mon May 17, '10, 8:38 pm

I like the WD Lunar games. It's a shame that XSEED had the audacity to turn down a legend like Ireland from taking part in the recent remake. Morons.

Oh well, PSP hates the new Lunar 1 anyway. :P
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Re: A treat for you lunar fans

Postby XXXG-00W0 WING-0 » Tue May 18, '10, 4:29 am

I still want that friggin' Lunar!!

Honestly, while I enjoyed the Lunar games (2 in Sega CD and 1 and 2 in PS1), I don't really miss Ireland. I know, he was responsible for much of what gamers associate with Lunar in English speaking countries, but eh... I never liked his attitude.
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Re: A treat for you lunar fans

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Wed May 19, '10, 10:24 pm

Awesome! Thanks, Rick! :)

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Re: A treat for you lunar fans

Postby Rick » Wed May 19, '10, 10:31 pm

Why are the flowers so soft and the snakes so deadly?

Lunar EB is a.. tragic story anyways.

When people don't show love to lonely people, they turn evil and hateful.

If someone had given Zio a little kitten or befriended him, he woulda changed.

If someone had just loved Nei-First and not tried to kill her, maybe give her a stuffed bear and cuddle her.. give her pretty dresses and chocolates and teach her farming or something..

If the Great Light hadn't sealed the Pd away and left it all alone..

Moral? Be nice to the ones that COULD become Villians xd
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