$80 hot dog

Warning: Talking about food might make you hungry. ;)

$80 hot dog

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Jul 16, '11, 11:25 pm

Just in time for "National Hot Dog Day" on July 23, one ballpark has come up with an $80 hot dog with a lot of fixin's on it, etc.:

http://www.thepostgame.com/blog/chompio ... 80-hot-dog

It will be interesting to see how many of these $80 hot dogs they sell.

Would you spend $80 for a hot dog??

And, just for curiousity's sake....what trimmings do you like on your hot dogs?

As for me, I must have ketchup on my hot dogs always, and sometimes mustard, and sometimes onions, and sometimes cold slaw. That's about it for me.

I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. :silly:

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Re: $80 hot dog

Postby Celeith » Sun Jul 17, '11, 12:23 am

I just like a plain hot dog myself, but 80$ is extensive for some processed meat and a bun. This dog however is a heart attack waiting to happen with all that stuff they're doing to it.
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Re: $80 hot dog

Postby Thoul » Sun Jul 17, '11, 10:46 am

That's crazy. There's no way I'd pay $80 for a hot dog. Even if I were rich, that's just wasteful in my eyes. The money could be spent on something more useful or with longer entertainment value. I'd go buy a game or something like that, if nothing else.
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