700 pound Alligator

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700 pound Alligator

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Sep 7, '19, 8:10 pm

A huge Alligator weighing around 700 pounds and being about 14 feet long has been killed in Georgia. It is legal to hunt Alligators in Georgia if you have a license and other requirements.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/articl ... ailsignout

Question is, should the Alligator have been killed or should it have been relocated?

I am certainly not a fan of Alligators. They are killers. That is a fact. However, what would be the harm of catching them and then relocating them to a place such as a swamp or the Everglades where there are only the animals around and hopefully no people?

Some animals that are hunted are used for food purposes and that I might could understand, but I don't know if Alligator meat is used for that purpose or not!

What do you think....is it okay to kill the Alligators or should they be relocated?

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Re: 700 pound Alligator

Postby myau56 » Sat Nov 30, '19, 5:03 pm

Impressive alligator ! :)
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