60th Emmy Awards

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60th Emmy Awards

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Sep 22, '08, 1:09 am

The Emmy Awards will be on tv tonight for the 60th year running. I'm not sure which network it will be on, or at what time, so check your local listings for those facts.

I think Alec Baldwin is up for Best Actor for his TV show, and I think James Spader is up for Best Actor for "Boston Legal" tv show. I'm not sure what all the others are yet.

These awards shows are always fun, sometimes a bit long and boring, but always funny moments there too.

I was watching a little of the pre-emmy arrival ceremony on the TV Guide Network awhile ago. That's when the stars arrive and walk the red carpet and the different talk shows, networks, etc., interview them. I love to see this part to see what everyone is wearing ahead of time. :hyper:

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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