2018 Super Bowl

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2018 Super Bowl

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Jan 22, '18, 9:22 pm

Well, it looks like The New England Patriots (with Quarterback Tom Brady) will be playing the Philadelphia Eagles in the upcoming Super Bowl.

http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/pat ... cid=AARDHP

Which team are you routing for to win the Super Bowl?

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Re: 2018 Super Bowl

Postby myau56 » Tue Jan 23, '18, 1:33 pm

I'm gonna watch it ! And like often, I'll support the team which will face the Patriots ! And like always, they are gonna lose :lol: I hope not but we'll see :)
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Re: 2018 Super Bowl

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Feb 3, '18, 7:04 pm

The Super Bowl will be televised tomorrow, Sunday, February 4, 2018!

The Philadelphia Eagles play The New England Patriots!

Will you be watching the game?

Which team do you hope will win the game?

Is anyone interested in just seeing the commercials?

What do you think of the kneeling and failure to stand for the flag/national anthem that some of the NFL players have done this football season?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: 2018 Super Bowl

Postby myau56 » Sat Feb 3, '18, 9:25 pm

I'm going to Watch it, even if it's very late here ! :) Say good luck to me ! :)
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Re: 2018 Super Bowl

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Mon Feb 5, '18, 8:38 pm

I watched the game and thoroughly enjoyed it! So glad The Philadelphia Eagles won! :clap: It was a hard fought game and full of excitement. It is the first Super Bowl win for the Eagles. They must be on cloud nine now and so happy. Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles and their hometown.

The half-time show with Justin Timberlake was awful, I thought. Should have been so much better. It would have been nice if they had had someone else there besides him instead of him being the only guest.

Lots of controversy surrounding his segment devoted to rock icon, Prince! I heard that Prince did not like tributes such as that with the images of the people shown, etc. Glad it did not last too long and they got back to the game quickly.

On the other hand, I though Pink did a terrific job with her singing the National Anthem, and she was supposedly sick with the flu too. :wow:

And, as always the best part of the game was the commercials. I saw a new commercial and trailor for the upcoming "Han Solo" movie, a commercial regarding the Jurassic Park movies with actor Jeff Goldblum, and one with Crocidile Dundee (the real actor) among so many others.

Did anyone else watch the game?

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: 2018 Super Bowl

Postby myau56 » Tue Feb 6, '18, 12:24 pm

Like I've said before, I've watched it and I was so delighted to see that finally the Philadelphia Eagles won it !
Congratulations to them ! And to both teams, as the match was really great and exciting ! :clap:
I agree : the Half Time show was not so great (but for me as always the only interesting thing is the match, not the show ! ;)).
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