2014 Olympics

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2014 Olympics

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sat Feb 8, '14, 9:47 pm

Anyone watching The Olympics on tv? The opening ceremonies were held last night I believe. I like to watch the skating and bobsledding and some of the other events. Looks cold in Russia but that's what you want with winter sports. I'm not sure of all the medals won as of right now, but I think the USA has already won some. Yay!!!!

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Re: 2014 Olympics

Postby myau56 » Sun Feb 9, '14, 12:51 pm

Yes ! I'll try to Watch as much as I can but I'll not be able to Watch all ! :( Work is waiting for me (and that is better this way ! ^^) but I'll Watch as much as possible !
Still no medals for France at this moment but that doesn't matter : I'll continue even ! :)
(and tthis time, unlike for the Superbowl, I'll not be wrong and answer to Wolf Bird but to Silver_Surfer1 this time ! :rofl: ) : I haven't seen the opening ceremony. How was it ?
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Re: 2014 Olympics

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Sun Feb 23, '14, 12:36 am

I haven't seen the opening ceremony anywhere yet. It is probably viewable somewhere online but just haven't had the time to look for it yet.

I have been watching some of the Olympics almost every day and it has been exciting seeing all these countries compete in the different fields, etc. I think the Olympics will be over on this Sunday and as always I kind of hate to see it end. Hope I get to see the closing ceremonies. I'll bet it will be a blast!!

Medal standings so far are here:


:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: 2014 Olympics

Postby myau56 » Sun Feb 23, '14, 10:15 am

Like I've said before, I'va watched a lot of events on those Olympic Games ! Not all because of my work but the maximum and all the sports were not eaquals but I love the general atmosphere with all those countries together.
And a special thought for Ukraine.
It'll too be very painful for me to see those games ending...:( But see you in South Korea in 4 years ! (maybe with REL winter conditions this time ! ;) )

And this afternoon, I'll Watch to the Hockey Final between Canada and Sweden !
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Re: 2014 Olympics

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Feb 27, '14, 2:40 am

The 2014 Winter Olympics ended last week and I really enjoyed what I saw of it. I did get to watch the closing ceremonies and it was spectacular. Anyone else get to see it? Here's a bit of an update with a link to the final medal standing also:

http://news.msn.com/pop-culture/farewel ... t-olympics

http://t.foxsports.msn.com/olympics/soc ... ceremony-1

http://sports.yahoo.com/photos/sochi-be ... slideshow/

http://t.foxsports.msn.com/olympics/fin ... dals-table
Last edited by Silver_Surfer1 on Thu Feb 27, '14, 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

:rose: Happy 27th Anniversary Fringes Of Algo :rose:
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Re: 2014 Olympics

Postby myau56 » Thu Feb 27, '14, 12:31 pm

I have really enjoyed it too ! But I haven't seen the closing ceremonies but I've seen some parts of it and that was indeed spectacular ! I've loved so much the three giants and especially the bear with the touching little tear... :D
And congratulations to the Canad for their gold medal in the Hockey Final ! :clap:
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