New planet discovery

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New planet discovery

Postby Silver_Surfer1 » Thu Feb 23, '12, 1:53 am

Interesting facts about a new planet that has been discovered: ... 02250.html

It's hard for my feeble mind to imagine all the various planets that have been discovered during the past several years. This article alone says that there have been over 700 planets discovered beyond our solar system...amazing!!!

With all those planets out there somewhere in space, you can only wonder and imagine that somewhere there might actually be other life, and will we ever find them????

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Re: New planet discovery

Postby Celeith » Thu Feb 23, '12, 2:22 am

I believe we have the means to seek out new life and civilizations. (Been watching to much Star Trek)
But we chose not to because of the fear alot of people have or because of religious views. Although a vast amount of us believe there is life on other planets, I myself am one of those people. Many people believe in the word of God or fear it because they believe we as human's are the one true species that God created and thus no other can exist. With that I believe we'll most likely never find life on other planets, rather they'll end up finding us.
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Re: New planet discovery

Postby Thoul » Fri Feb 24, '12, 2:23 am

As big as the universe is, I find it unlikely that we're the only inhabited planet that exists. I don't know if we'll ever find them. Certainly we won't contact them any time soon with the slow rate of progress our space exploration programs are achieving.

Kaloes wrote:Many people believe in the word of God or fear it because they believe we as human's are the one true species that God created and thus no other can exist.

Of course, there are many religious people who don't share such views. Not that I think you were doing this, but tendency of lumping all religion into one big pile on the internet is one of my pet peeves today. There are a lot of differing views on many subject even within one religion.
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